Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Many a things...

Well, I actually have some things to write about.
Nick and I have started working out together doing Insanity. It's kicking our butts, but we're loving it.
Eadon had her first day of school today. She's officially a 4th grader and I can't believe it. She's growing up entirely too fast!! But she's such a great person. I love the lady she's turning into!!
First day of school picture
I'm getting my haircut tomorrow. I'm incredibly nervous and excited about it! I ALWAYS regret it when I cut my hair, but it's just getting so long and tangled and I just want to make it easy to manage. Hopefully I cut off enough to donate to Locks of Love!!
I also have a job interview tomorrow. It's just a part time job, but that's exactly what I'm looking for. That way I can get out of the house, but still be home with the girls a majority of the time. Nick gets a day off during the week, so that would help with not needing a babysitter as many days. I'm hoping for 2 days a week working, so then I'd only have to get someone to watch the girls for 1 day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out so that we benefit from me getting a part time job. Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
We're getting closer to being done with refinancing our home. It's been a headache!! But, we're locking in at a lower interest rate, and taking some equity out to pay off bills. I'm so ready to have it all done and be caught up again on bills.
I guess I'm done babbling now. I'll be back to do more later though. I'm good at it.

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